Monday, July 28, 2008


Emily got some new paints a few week ago. We finally took the time to get them out and paint. She was really into it so I got the camera. I was thinking I could get a few with out noticing. I was wrong of course. I got one and the the little ham turned it on for the camera. We have been working on her writing her name all summer and she has finally gotten it down :-) She can even paint it to my surprise! She has been doing it for a while but always had to ask me what letter came next. She was just painting away and this is what she came up with. Pretty good if I say so myself!!

"oh wait the camera? Let me pose"

Thursday, July 24, 2008


I can't believe it has been 7 months and 10 days since we welcomed this beautiful girls into this world. I know I say it all the time and I am going to keep saying it as long as I possible can. She is the sweetest baby ever. Abby is now saying MAMA on a regular basis. Emily and I made a deal. She would help me teach Abby how to say MAMA if I would help her teach Abby to say Emily. I think we were both a little jealous that she said DADA first. So now we are working on Emily. Nobody can put a smile on Abby's face like Emily can. Those two girls together loving each other melt my heart! Abby is not only turning over ( it seemed like it took her forever to do that) she is rolling around to get to what she wants. She is really determined. Which is kinda weird for as laid back as she is. She likes to sit up all by herself. She will sit in the middle of the floor for up to 30 mins at a time playing with a bucket of her toys. Abby loves to take a bath. She really likes the water being poured on her head she usually lets out a giggle. Abby also sleeps like a champ. She goes down between 8/8:30 and sleeps until 8:30/9. Her naps are not the best she is more of a cat napper but were not complaining. My favorite time of the day with Abby is after dinner and bath. She likes to play for a while and them wind down in my arms then off to dream land. We must have done something right to be blessed with such a precious gift form God.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Mom and I have gotten back to business. Check out our emi*lou boutique blog. We are running a SWEET SUMMER TREAT TANK SPECIAL!!! I have to say a special THANK YOU! to Miss K & Miss S and their mommy for the perfect pic of the girls in there emi*lou tanks!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

JULY 4TH 2008

We had a perfect July 4th this year! We started of by meeting up with friends at The Woodlands July 4Th parade. This was our 4Th year and has become a tradition. We made it through most of the parade Abby did really well for as hot as it was. Then we came home to cool off and regroup for the fire works that evening. Meme came over for a swim which Emily and Abby love! Emily because that is one more person to swim to and Abby because meme will save her from her float at first peep. I am reminded that that is what meme's are for :-). Later in the day we headed out to meet up with the Hengst.
We grabbed a quick dinner and headed over to their church Faith Bridge for a concert and the fire works. We had a really good time. It was some nice family fun. The church had lots of booths set up and the were giving away snow cones, funnel cakes, popcorn, ice cream , and drinks. The also came around with other things Emily's favorite were the glow in the dark light necklaces. The concert was wonderful and the fireworks beautiful! This was Emily's first time to see the fire works because she has never lasted that long before and she was in awe. Abby was such a trooper the whole day. God has really blessed us with such sweet girls! We are so lucky to be AMERICANS and to have people in our Armed Forces that put their life on the line every day for our FREEDOM! You can see more pics from our day HERE

Sunday, July 13, 2008


We are the proud co owners of a shiny new blue tractor! Bill and my mom bought a tractor. This is something my mom has wanted for years, and Bill since you built out here. We are all really excited! I am very excited b/c it will cut way down on the time they have to spend on the yard work. Bill is excited b/c he is a man and you all know how much men like new toys. Mom is excited that they will finally be able to take care of property the way it needs to be. Emily is excited b/c she told daddy to get a blue one and he did.

The proud co owners getting a few pointers

Like a kid in a candy store

Just too cute not to share!

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I know I have really neglected my blog. It has been driving me crazy. We have lots to catch up on so that is what I am going to try to do this week. I am going to start with our vacation to the river.


About 3 weeks ago Bill, Emily and I went toNeal's Lodge to the Frio River in Concan, TX. Abby stayed home with her Meme, aunt Lisa and the Hengst family. We decided not to take her this year because it was so hot and there is not much to do other than be out in the heat and in the river most of the time. I don't think she missed us near as much as we missed her. She was so well taken care of (dare I say spoiled) while we were gone. We had such a good time! Bill and his family use to go there when he was growing up. Bill's cousin has continued through the years. It was so nice of him to include us this year! I think he said he holds the record for the youngest Greenlee in the family to go. Bill, his siblings, cousins and the rest of his family seem to have really fond memories for summers spent at the Frio. I was really nice to make some of our own with Emily and can't wait to take Abby. The river was to low to do any float trips since we have almost no rain here in Texas. We pretty much knew that was going to be the case and I was pretty bummed when we were on our way up there. I can honestly say it did not put a damper on our fun at all. We can't wait to go back next year! You can check out lots more pics HERE