Friday, February 1, 2008


It has been a long day! The day started off good just like most days. Abby and I dropped Emily off at MDO. I had planned on coming back home to do some house work and start on my bible study. No such luck! Let’s go back a few weeks. Abby woke up one morning and sounded a little snotty. With her being so small and me worried about RSV I took her in and it was just a post nasal drip. No problem rinse with saline, run the vaporizer, and tilt the bed. The nasal drip seemed to be improving. Back to this week. Wednesday Abby sneezed a little and had a very minor cough. On the way home form dropping Emily off I decided to call the doctor and just ask the about it. Thinking they would say if it get any worse you will need to bring her in but hoping they would say go ahead an bring her in. For nothing else but to put my mind at ease. Well they did want to see her b/c she is young. We went in and I sat there thinking why did I do his a I am looking at all of these other kids that are coughing, runny noses, rash, you name it. Thinking if she wasn't sick she will be now. So we see the physician asst. and she says it looks like an ear infection but she wanted the doctor to look at it. While she goes to get the doctor I was thinking poor Abby she is so little to be on medicine. The doctor comes in and look and her ear and looks very disappointed. They look at one another like who is going to tell her. At this point even before they start to talk I am already crying. They say b/c se is so young she needs to go right now to the emergency room for full evaluations. So I do my best to get it together pay and get to the car. At this point the first call I make is to Bill and just hearing his voice I start to cry again. He says he will meet me there ASAP! I get to the ER and thought I was going to die looking at all these sick people around my sweet Abby. Bill is still making fun of me b/c when he got there I was sitting so close to the door that if you moved your leg the automatic door would open. After a not so long wait we see the ER doctor. She says the concern is that in babies this young the bacteria can get in the blood and cause infection through out the body. More tears! She says we will do a blood work up and we would go from there but she suspects that it is just an ear infection that we can treat with antibiotics. Well thank the lord that is all it is! So little sweet Abby has had an ear infection and you would never have known it no fever, no fussiness, no loss of sleep. What a champ! So please say a prayer for a speedy recovery.

1 comment:

Cathy Hengst Photography said...

Praying for that sweet little ANGEL! And Mommy and Daddy I know you guys were so scared and no one should have to go through that. We sure enjoyed Emily playing though :-)