Thursday, March 27, 2008


I hope everyone had a Happy Easter! We had a really fun weekend with lots of Easter celebrations. Our friends the Hengst had a little get together on Saturday. The kids got to color eggs, decorate bunny cupcakes, hunt for eggs and play ,play, play! We were all tired by the time we got home. Everyone went to bed and Mommy got ready for the bunny to come. The next morning we all woke up well rested and excited to go to church! Emily was very excited to get to sit with us in "Big Church". All I have to say about that is Thank God for Sunday School every other Sunday of the year :-). After church we wet over to Meme's and she had some Easter goodies for the girls. From there we came home and to our surprise the Easter Bunny had come to visit while we were at church. Emily was very excited to check out her basket and hunt eggs. I look forward to the coming years when the girls can enjoy these things together. We finished the day with a visit from Lisa & Austen and more Easter goodies. You can see more Easter pics HERE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

precious pics! glad we got to spend the day with Emily...the kids think she is a sweetheart!yeah - the church was PACKED! We didnt even get to sit by my dad!