Friday, April 25, 2008


Emily loves to lay on the floor and play with Abby. She is so funny she always wants to hold her or lay with her and then she says go get your camera. Emily is defiantly not camera shy! She is really a sweet big sister. She does not like for Abby to get upset or cry. She will talk to her or run get her a toy without us asking. She ask almost everyday when Abby will be big enough to sleep in her room. Since Abby is our last baby I want her to stay a baby as long as possible but is seems like Emily has other plans. She talks endlessly about what she is going to teach Abby.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Wow this past week has been crazy! First and most important is our sweet baby girl Abby hit the 4 month mark. Time sure has gone by so fast. I took Abby in for her 4 month checkup on Monday. During that visit our pediatrician noticed something going on in her left eye. She wants her to be checked for exotropia (from what I understand it is a form of lazy eye). She referred us to Texas Children's at St. Luke's Hospital that ended up to be a dead end. So we turned to our good friend Cathy. She as already been through something similar with her baby girl several years ago. Thank goodness for us Cathy knew just what we should do. She pointed us in the direction of a specialist in pediatric optometrist in the medical center. We could not get an appointment with her until May 12th. In the meantime while we are waiting to see her we are going to see a pediatric optometrist with the Houston Eye Associates on April 28th. I will keep you updated. In the meantime keep Abby in you prayers that god will protect and heal those beautiful blue eyes. On a happier note Miss Abby started eating rice cereal this week and she is not so sure about it. I think more goes out than goes in. Tonight she tried peas and seemed to like them. We will do peas for a few days and then on to greenbeans. We will let you know how that goes. I will do my best to updated more often. This past week I have been very busy with emi*lou. We kicked off with to really good specials and I have been spending my extra time tring to get orders ready to go!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


There is a new special on em*lou check it out HERE

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Saturday was Emily's first soccer game. She woke up very excited. I'm not sure if it was for the game or just to wear her uniform. The game was really entertaining to say the least. Emily spent a lot of time posing for the camera and spinning around. Them all of a sudden she would get in the game and try to keep up with the team. All in all she had a really fun time and can't wait until next Saturday for the next game.

Emily, Ethan, and Team's big entrance

Not to interested in the game

Water break is fun

Thanks for helping Dad

Hi Mom

Monday, April 14, 2008


As promised in my last post the emi*lou boutique blog is up and running!
Make sure you tell all your friends!

Friday, April 11, 2008


I am in the finishing stages of the emi*lou boutique blog (mom and my business)! I will put the finishing touches and do our first post this weekend. On this blog you will be able to see our latest creations, place orders, ask questions, and see pics of our customers.The blog will be up and running Monday morning. We are going to start off with 2 really good specials. I will attach a link form this blog and send out an email with the link to all our friends and family. Make sure you take a second to check it out.


Last night before bed I took Abby in to snuggle with Emily. As soon as I laid her down Emily said "mommy get your camera". She loves for us to take her pics. Such a ham. Bill has been out of town for a few days so poor Max has been out numbered. I guess Emily felt sorry for him b/c she wanted him in the pics too. I can't wait until Abby is big enough to climb into bed with her big sis and have a sleepover.

Sisterly Love

Emily making a silly face ;-)

Poor Max

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Sunday evening we went back to our pond to try out Emily and Austen's new fishing poles. The weather was so nice,the sun was starting to go down. At first Emily was not happy about the worms. Then Bill put one in a cup for her and that was it she had a new pet friend. She spent a little time fishing and the rest of the time playing with the worm in the cup. They did not catch any fish but the fish did catch their worms :-). Emily and Austen can't wait to do it again.

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Look at my new header, I am in love with it. Another special creation by Cathy Hengst Photography check her out HERE. Thank you Cathy


Emily had her first soccer practice this past Thursday. She was so excited to get to go. She must have asked me a thousand time that day was it soccer time yet. She was most excited about her best buddy Ethan being on her team. I think that she was nerves at first. She did quite a bit of jumping around. Maybe she is ready for upwards cheer? Her age group plays inside in the gym. It seems pretty hard to stop the ball on that gym floor. Every time the kids touch the ball trying to stop it it rolls. All in all she had a fun time. She is really excited about her uniform and her water bottle. When we got home and asked her what her favorite thing was about practice was she said sitting down and talking. She is such a girl!

Friday, April 4, 2008


Not to long ago our friend Layne gave Emily a guitar :-) I must say that it is her most favorite prized possession! Not a day goes by that she doesn't have the guitar in her hand pretending to be a ROCKIN STAR (as Emily says it). She really likes to play and sing for Abby. Poor Abby she is a captive audience. You can clearly see in the pic what Abby thinks of that. I have to say Mommy and Daddy feel the same way! I can tolerate it a little longer that Bill can. Needless to say Bill is trying to come up with the perfect noise making surprise for Layne and Ethan. Sorry Cathy and Lance ;-)