Friday, April 4, 2008


Not to long ago our friend Layne gave Emily a guitar :-) I must say that it is her most favorite prized possession! Not a day goes by that she doesn't have the guitar in her hand pretending to be a ROCKIN STAR (as Emily says it). She really likes to play and sing for Abby. Poor Abby she is a captive audience. You can clearly see in the pic what Abby thinks of that. I have to say Mommy and Daddy feel the same way! I can tolerate it a little longer that Bill can. Needless to say Bill is trying to come up with the perfect noise making surprise for Layne and Ethan. Sorry Cathy and Lance ;-)

1 comment:

Cathy Hengst Photography said...

Poor Abby! Sorry we were the ones that gave the torture guitar to her. But Emily sure is happy ;-) I can only imagine what I will get in return!