Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Creepy or cute I can't decide! Emily has a doll that her Granny gave her for Christmas that she plays with off and on. She had been playing in her room with the doll and then came into the kitchen laughing really hard with the dolls hair on her head. I could not help but laugh. So since everyone says Abby looks like a cabbage patch doll you know I could not resist. We put the hair on Abby and got some really funny pics. Emily was on the floor laughing it was so cute and Abby really had no clue what we were doing to her. I love that Emily has such a good since of humor and hope that Abby does too.


Anonymous said...

Abby is so cute...even with a wig on. :) She really does look like a cabbage patch doll!! Such a cutie!

Cathy Hengst Photography said...

Oh MY GOSH!! How funny is that... I am so glad you posted the pics FINALLY. My poor Abbs kinda looks like she is not sure in the first pic. I personally like her hair better not so sure about the blonde braids. But I am glad Emily got a kick out of it.

Emily is hillarious. She is so much fun to be around. You just never know what she is going to say and I love it. She keeps you laughing.

Shawna said...

That is soo funny!! Poor girl; doesnt look too excited!!