Sunday, July 13, 2008


We are the proud co owners of a shiny new blue tractor! Bill and my mom bought a tractor. This is something my mom has wanted for years, and Bill since you built out here. We are all really excited! I am very excited b/c it will cut way down on the time they have to spend on the yard work. Bill is excited b/c he is a man and you all know how much men like new toys. Mom is excited that they will finally be able to take care of property the way it needs to be. Emily is excited b/c she told daddy to get a blue one and he did.

The proud co owners getting a few pointers

Like a kid in a candy store

Just too cute not to share!

1 comment:

Cathy Hengst Photography said...

It is official now Bill is a farmer!! Make sure he keeps it waxed and all pretty to do yard work ;-)

The girls look adorable on it too!