Friday, August 15, 2008


This is Abby's fuzzy hair if daddy
forgets to brush it after bath :-)

Abby hit the 8 month mark yesterday! Time really does fly when you are having fun. Our sweet little Abby is now our very active little Abby. She is on the move. No she is not crawling yet ( she as a lot baby belly to get off the ground) she is scooting and rolling where she need to go. She is a girl with an agenda. When she see something she wants she is going to get to it. Our little girl that had just two teeth for what seemed like forever now has seven. Yes she got five new teeth in one month ( that sure was fun)! Watch out she will bite you if she gets the chance. Just ask her Meme! Abby is still an awesome sleeper. She is still sleeping from about 8:30 to 8:30. She has become a tummy sleeper just like her big sister. She is no longer much of a snuggler unless she is sleepy. That about sums it up. We can wait to see that this next month has in store for us.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

I cant get over how much she looks like you! 8 months is a fun age!!