Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It is hard to believe the in two short months this little monkey is going to be 1.
Miss Abby is on the go and into everything. She is crawling but much prefers the army crawl when she need to get somewhere fast. Her favorite place to hang out right now is is Emily's room. That is okay with Emily for about 2 mins. Just until she starts touching things. If you remember the beloved guitar, it is totally off limits.

Sweet little Abby has been fighting an ear infection for a whole month now ( she is such a trooper!) Most days you would not even know that she had one accept the the constant runny nose that is driving us both crazy. We can't wait to see the ENT later this month!! My guess is that she will be getting tubes in the ears we will see. So say a little prayer that we resolve the ear infection soon!

Abby can tell you that the dog says "woof woof" but so does the cat, duck and most animal. We have to be on our toes with Abby on the loose she has not run into anything she will not put in her mouth. When she get excited and playful she squeals and growls. I think it is a mix between Emily and Max (our dog).

Every day is exciting around here can't wait to see what this month brings!


Cathy Hengst Photography said...

So hard to believe she is 10 months old. She is just the cutest lil girly :-)

Shawna said...

She is growing into her own little person! She is adorable. Sorry to feel that she hasnt been feeling well.