Monday, August 24, 2009


Our big girl Emily went to her first day of school today. She was so excited she woke up early ready to get dressed. She was a little disappointed when I told her she has about an hour until it was time. She passed the time with a little Disney channel while I made her special requested breakfast of pancakes and sausage with chocolate milk. She wanted to ride the bus to school which for me was out of the question! So she settled for riding the bus home. She did great! Bill and I walked her into her class she but her lunch box in the basket, hung her new backpack on the back of her chair and was ready for business. I felt the tears coming so I gave her a quick kiss and said goodbye. A few tears fell as I walked out the door. Bill gave her a kiss and a few words of encouragement. She was already fast at work coloring her Welcome to Kindergarten bear. Bill then gave me a few words of encouragement and he was off to work. I made a quick stop to turn in a form with the PTA. I held it together until I made it to the car and had a little cry. It seened like the longest day ever. I went out to wait for the bus and I waited and waited and waited. I was on the phone with the bus barn and here comes the bus down the street (30 mins late). The door opened and there she was all smiles! She said to me do you know that I get to go to school everyday! Too Cute.
One funny story- I asked her if she made some new friends and she said yes and that one was a boy. She said I told him something. What did you tell him I asked. I love you she said. OMG I will not be surprised at all when a note comes home about my sweet baby girl driving those poor boys crazy LOL.

Our big girl ready to go!

What a pretty kindergartender!

a quick pic with sissy before we go

in front of her class

Putting her backpack on her chair

Ready to get to work

Abby waiting for her sissy to get home

Getting off the bus


Cathy Hengst Photography said...

Sweet Emily!! I can not believe it is already her first day of K. Seems like just yesterday she and E were little. I am so happy she had a great day and I know all the little boys will love that sweet girl too ;-)

Unknown said...

Awwwh Emily... she is so beautiful! Hard to believe she is off to Kindergarten already. You should be one proud mommy that is one sweet brave girl I see!

Congrats and good luck this week I know it must be so hard!

algavin said...

She looks so cute! I know it is hard to let them go.....She is really growing up. Tell the boys (Emily) to stay away from my niece (boys). LOL

Shawna said...

Ahhh,you made me cry! You and Lori made me cry!! I can't take this saddness anymore!! She does look beautiful!!

Lacey said...

My first day of Kindergarten Post was just like yours. :) So hard to let them go. But, am glad they love it! I felt the tears coming so I darted out of class too that day. Made it out hte front doors and thank GOD for sunglasses!! LOL. :) Emily is adorable!