Thursday, May 22, 2008


Last Saturday we went to the Oil Ranch. It was such a nice day, the weather was perfect! I am not sure who had more fun the kids or Bill. There was so much to do and see. Emily really liked the hay ride where you got to feed the cows. The cows were defiantly not shy they would snatch the food right out of you hand. One cow even licked Abby's foot. I think Bill liked the hay barn the best. I am surprised he can walk this week. I would really recommend a visit there. I can't wait to go back. Click here to see all the pics from the day.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This is Brady, Emily's best school buddy

Emily is out of school for the summer! She has been walking around singing "schools out scream and shout" for days now. Any of you High School Musical fans of there can guess where she got that. Last Thursday was her end of the year program. The program was really cute and she and all the kids had lots of fun. She was more into it this time than she has ever been in the past programs. Just one more confirmation the she is growing up.

Friday, May 16, 2008


A few weeks ago we took Abby to a local eye doctor on the referral form our pediatrician to be examined for exotropia ( a form of lazy eye) The doctor spent a good amount of time examining Abby's eyes and talking to us. His conclusion was that he sees it a little but not enough to do anything for it. Then his last comment left us feeling some what unsure with his conclusion. He said he wanted us to bring her back is 2 months to see his colleague b/c she was better at seeing these things. WHAT?
We already had an appointment with a very well recommended Dr in the medical center. (Thank you Cathy!!!) At that point we decided for sure we would keep that appointment. We went to that appointment this past Monday. We are really glad we did. The doctor said that Abby does have exotropia in her right eye. It is a really mild case and the DR said it is only doing it about 10-15% of the time. Abby has to wear a patch on her good eye for 1 hour every day to help make the other eye muscle stronger. The DR told us that about 80% of these cases that are caught early can correct them self by age 3 or 4. If the eye does not correct it's self Abby will have to have surgery. The patch really does not seem to bother Abby at all. I thank God that we have a good pediatrician that saw this early!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Creepy or cute I can't decide! Emily has a doll that her Granny gave her for Christmas that she plays with off and on. She had been playing in her room with the doll and then came into the kitchen laughing really hard with the dolls hair on her head. I could not help but laugh. So since everyone says Abby looks like a cabbage patch doll you know I could not resist. We put the hair on Abby and got some really funny pics. Emily was on the floor laughing it was so cute and Abby really had no clue what we were doing to her. I love that Emily has such a good since of humor and hope that Abby does too.