Thursday, October 30, 2008


Emily had a Halloween party at school today. All the kids wore their their costumes. they were all so cute. Emily was Tinkerbell but gave up on the wings shortly after she got to school. They got to play a few games in the gym and had a Chick-Fa-Lay lunch. We made some yummy monster cupcakes for her class. Of course she came home with way to much candy (I am sure her daddy and I will help her with that problem)!

Our pretty Tinkerbell

Playing a game in the Gym

Sharing the fun with Abby

The 3 girls in the class

Our yummy monster cupcakes

Thursday, October 23, 2008


My in laws lost their beach house on the Bolivar Peninsula during Hurricane Ike. The beach house has been in there family for many, many years. I know they had lots of fond memories there. Bill and I have some too. I don't know if we ever told anyone but the beach house is the first place we ever seriously discussed getting married. Emily has only been to the beach house a handful of times but talks about going to Granny and Papa beach house all the time. A few weeks ago out of the blue she asked me when we were going back. I tried to avoid the conversation then decided to just explain as gently as I could what happened. I was surprised at her reaction. At first she was really quiet. Then I asked her if she had any question and told her she could ask me anything she wanted. She just started crying. It really broke my heart to see her so upset. We talked for a while and I explained to her that Granny and Papa were ok and that they are really lucky because that have another house to live in. She seemed ok with that.
My sister-in-law April started a blog to share her stories and feelings so you can check it out. The Beach House

Monday, October 20, 2008


This past Friday night we went to Scream on the Green at our church. It was so much fun. We camped out on the lawn in a tent. There was so much to do. There was a train, petting zoo, pumpkin carving contest, and movies on a giant outdoor movie screen. We were so lucky that Meme was sweet enough to spend the night with Abby so we could have a fun over night with our big girl! Thank you so much meme, we really appreciate you! It was nice and cool out and that was nice accept it made everything wet when we got up in the morning. Emily was such a trooper! Her only protest was the Port-A-Potty and who can blame her. Click here to see more pics

Friday, October 17, 2008


I would like to ask you to all take a little time out of your day today and everyday to pray for this very special family. I don't know them But I have been following their story for 10 months now. I found out about them and their blog from a link on my friend Cathy's blog shortly after I had Abby. I don't let a day go by that I do not check up on the via their blog. You can get their whole story here at Confessions of a CF Husband. I find their FAITH incredible and I think you will too!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


It is hard to believe the in two short months this little monkey is going to be 1.
Miss Abby is on the go and into everything. She is crawling but much prefers the army crawl when she need to get somewhere fast. Her favorite place to hang out right now is is Emily's room. That is okay with Emily for about 2 mins. Just until she starts touching things. If you remember the beloved guitar, it is totally off limits.

Sweet little Abby has been fighting an ear infection for a whole month now ( she is such a trooper!) Most days you would not even know that she had one accept the the constant runny nose that is driving us both crazy. We can't wait to see the ENT later this month!! My guess is that she will be getting tubes in the ears we will see. So say a little prayer that we resolve the ear infection soon!

Abby can tell you that the dog says "woof woof" but so does the cat, duck and most animal. We have to be on our toes with Abby on the loose she has not run into anything she will not put in her mouth. When she get excited and playful she squeals and growls. I think it is a mix between Emily and Max (our dog).

Every day is exciting around here can't wait to see what this month brings!

Monday, October 13, 2008


Saturday afternoon we decided to load up and go to the zoo. The weather was nice and the zoo was packed! We had a great time and got to see everything we wanted to see. I think most of us really enjoyed the train ride. If you have not been in a while they are building a new train depot and the train ride is much nicer and Longer. After the train we walked over to hill at Miller Outdoor Theater and had a picnic dinner. The kids had a blast running around and rolling down the hill. Leave it to Layne to find the kids with a soccer ball and get a little game started. My girls passed out in the car on the way home. It was the perfect end to a fun day.